Secure access using entry codes right from your vehicle.

Wireless Keypads
Wireless keypads provide cost effective solutions for low volume applications but are not the right choice for every system.

Telephone Entry Keypads
Telephone entry systems provide communication from the keypad to a phone through a designated phone line or intercom. Various features with these keypads include local access control, remote access control, notification of request to enter, and gate hold open options just to name a few.

Keypads with Android NFC capabilities
Modern smartphones with Android operating systems have the capacity to transmit Near Field Communication (NFC). In conjuntion with a free app, you can program a keypad or hold your phone close to it to open your gate.

Card Readers
An excellent access control solution for raised security are card readers. Unlike keypads, entry codes cannot be shared, limiting access to the person physically possessing the card.

Radio Transmitters/Receivers
The most useful and common way to control a gate is through the use of radio transmittter remotes in conjunction with a radio frequency receiver. This allows control of the gate from the comfort of inside a vehicle or building. Range may vary.